Kirstie Sanders

Kirstie is a Certified Birth (DONA) Doula, wife, mother, animal-lover and bookworm.  She became a Doula after her daughter’s birth when she realized what a wonderful asset, for both her and her husband, a doula could have been at her daughter’s delivery.  Birth can be an emotional roller coaster.  Kirstie believes that mothers need to be encouraged and supported to have the most joyous birth experience possible.  She sees that when a mom feels educated, confident, respected and supported a birth can be positive, no matter what twists and turns it might take along the way.

She feels it is such an honor to be present for her mothers and to encourage and praise them during such a big life event.  Kirstie’s favorite moments are to see moms meet their babies for the very first time.  She knows she is witnessing the greatest, most pure form of love.  It is a beautiful gift to see and feel such joy.

Team Information

 Certified Birth Doula, CHW