Candy Letterman

Candy has been a professional sales person for the last 28 years.  The majority of Candy’s career has been in the Communications and Technology industry. Candy also owns and operates a residential and commercial property management company with her husband.
Candy serves many roles in the Springfield community to include: Leadership Springfield Board member/Alumni Engagement Committee; Suit Yourself Board Vice President; Southwest Missouri Women’s Initiative Founding Member; United Way Champion; Springfield Chamber of Commerce Champion; Harmony House (recent past board member) and iCare National Campaign Advisor; Harmony House Ambassador and Speakers Bureau.

Candy is married to Terry Letterman and they reside in Springfield, Missouri.  They have 2 children and 2 grand-children.  Her hobbies include anything water related; traveling; gardening; remodeling homes; but she most loves spending time with her family.

Team Information

 Community Professional